
DS/MLE Road map and Courses

🥥 Table of Content I. Data Manipulation II. Machine Learning III. Deep Learning IV. Statistics V. Resume and Interview Questions VI. Daily and Busine ......
Courses Road MLE map and

捡起ctf学习 day3 BUU SQL COURSE 1

一.BUU SQL COURSE 1 SQL注入 类型 字符型、数字型、搜索型 过程 F12找到了隐藏url,存在get请求传参 ?id=0 union select 1,group_concat(table_name) from information_schema.tables where ta ......

Zju1140 Courses 课程

Consider a group of N students and P courses. Each student visits zero, one or more than one courses. Your task is to determine whether it is possible ......
Courses 课程 1140 Zju


Course Title Bachelor year Credit 2 C Programming Language C 7 Course Description: 课程内容包括:c语言概述,c语言基本数据类型、运算符及表达式,简单程序设计,选择结构程序设计,循环结构程序设计,数组,函数与预处理,指 ......
Course_Description Description Course

P3101 [USACO14JAN] Ski Course Rating G

思路 晃一眼题目,这不和这道题一样吗? 但是再仔细一看,有有些不一样,要求了起点至少到多少个点,不要求起点互通,求的也不是最小的 \(d\),而是 \(d\) 之和。 首先,很容易地发现,这道题再去二分肯定不现实,每个点都去二分一次,所需要的时间也很恐怖。 所以我们尝试从其他的方面入手。 可以发现, ......
Course Rating P3101 USACO 3101

【学校题解】#105. 「USACO1.3」Ski Course Design 题解(2023-08-18更新)

# #105. 「USACO1.3」Ski Course Design 题解 **你是第![](个看到这篇文章的人。** ## Part 1 提示 - **[题目传送门]( ......
题解 学校 USACO1 Course Design

SQL笔试:Student学生表,Course 课程表,Sc选课表

tudent学生表(学号,姓名、性别、年龄、组织部门),Course 课程表(编号,课程名称),Sc选课表(学号,课程编号,成绩)写一个SQL语句,查询选修了计算机原理的学生学号和姓名select 学号,姓名 from Student where 学号 in(select 学号 from Sc wh ......
课程表 笔试 Student 课程 Course

2050. Parallel Courses III (Hard)

Description 2050. Parallel Courses III (Hard) You are given an integer n, which indicates that there are n courses labeled from 1 to n. You are also g ......
Parallel Courses 2050 Hard III

【题解】#105. 「USACO1.3」Ski Course Design 题解(2023-07-01更新)

# #105. 「USACO1.3」Ski Course Design 题解 ## **[题目传送门](** **欢迎大家指出错误并联系这个蒟蒻** ## 更新日志 - **2023-02-01 17:20 文章完成** - **20 ......
题解 USACO1 Course Design USACO

Course 3 EC2 Fundamentals

# Amazon EC2 - EC2 = Elastic Compute Cloud = Infrastructure as Service - It mainly consists in the capability of: - Renting virtual machines (EC2) - S ......
Fundamentals Course EC2 EC

AWS Certificate SAA - Course 2.2 IAM & AWS CLI

# AWS Access Keys, CLI and SDK ## How can users access AWS? * To access AWS, you have the 3 optioins: 1. AWS Management Console(password + MFA) 2. AWS ......
Certificate AWS Course 2.2 CLI

AWS Certificate SAA - Course 2 IAM & AWS CLI

## IAM: Users & Groups * IAM = Identity and Access Management, **Global** service * **Root account** created by default, shouldn't be used or shared * ......
Certificate AWS Course CLI SAA

AWS Certificate SAA - Course 1 Getting started with AWS

### AWS Could use Cases * AWS enables you to build sophisticated, scalable applications * Applicable to a diverse set of industries * Use cases includ ......
Certificate AWS Getting started Course

Course overview + the shell

虚拟机崩了,难受,不能即时玩……勉强试出来了几个Windows的指令,也还是蛮好玩的 但还是记一下linux的 date查看日期 echo打印,后可接$PATH打印所有路径 cd目录跳转 ..父目录 .子目录 ls显示文件 ls -l 显示文件的一些信息 mv 重命名 两个参数 cp 复制 两个参数 ......
overview Course shell the

A First course in FEM —— matlab代码实现求解传热问题(瞬态)

这一篇Blog是在A First course in FEM —— matlab代码实现求解传热问题(稳态) 基础上更进一步,求解瞬态传热问题。 两者的区别如下图所示: 1. 问题描述 求解下图图所示叶片的温度场在[0-1200s]时间段内的变化,初始条件:T(0)=25℃。 控制方程为: 2. 模 ......
代码 course matlab 问题 First

1494. Parallel Courses II (Hard)

Description 1494. Parallel Courses II (Hard) You are given an integer n, which indicates that there are n courses labeled from 1 to n. You are also gi ......
Parallel Courses 1494 Hard II

A First course in FEM —— matlab代码实现求解传热问题(稳态)

这篇文章会将FEM全流程走一遍,包括网格、矩阵组装、求解、后处理。内容是大三时的大作业,今天拿出来回顾下。 1. 问题简介 涡轮机叶片需要冷却以提高涡轮的性能和涡轮叶片的寿命。我们现在考虑一个如上图所示的叶片,叶片处在一个高温环境中,中间通有四个冷却孔。 假设为稳态,那么叶片内导热微分方程为: 内部 ......
稳态 代码 course matlab 问题

ABC306 Poisonous Full-Course

[Atcoder题目链接]( "Atcoder题目链接") ## 题目大意 Takahashi 要品尝 $N$ 个菜品.这些菜品中有些是有毒的,有些是解药.当他吃下第 $i$ 个菜品时,他的总美味值会增 ......
Full-Course Poisonous Course Full ABC

【题解】#105. 「USACO1.3」Ski Course Design 题解

# #105. 「USACO1.3」Ski Course Design 题解 ## **[题目传送门](** **欢迎大家指出错误并联系这个蒟蒻** ## 更新日志 - **2023-02-01 17:20 文章完成** - **20 ......
题解 USACO1 Course Design USACO

未提供与“Course.Course(string, int, int)”的所需参数“Name”对应的参数

当传给类中的参数不确定有无时,则要给父类加个无参构造方法 ......
参数 Course int string Name

A Crash Course on the Depths of Win32™ Structured Exception Handling

January 1997 A Crash Course on the Depths of Win32™ Structured Exception Handling At its heart, Win32 structured exception handling is an operating sy ......
Structured Exception Handling Course Depths

COMP2620/COMP6262 Logic Course

Assignment 1, Logic CourseCOMP2620/COMP6262/PHIL2080General Comments Due date is 16 April, 23:59pm (Canberra time). The two questions in this assignme ......
COMP Course Logic 2620 6262


看题目是个本地文件包含 简单审计以下,包含一个file参数并包含这个参数所代表的文件。 根据之前在buuoj做题时遇到的flag,盲猜是/flag ......
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