
发布时间 2023-04-14 22:23:08作者: iyiluo

Number of Days Between Two Dates

Write a program to count the number of days between two dates.

The two dates are given as strings, their format is YYYY-MM-DD as shown in the examples.

Example 1:

Input: date1 = "2019-06-29", date2 = "2019-06-30"
Output: 1
Example 2:

Input: date1 = "2020-01-15", date2 = "2019-12-31"
Output: 15

The given dates are valid dates between the years 1971 and 2100.

思路一:直接上 api

    public int daysBetweenDates(String date1, String date2) {
        LocalDate begin = LocalDate.parse(date1);
        LocalDate end = LocalDate.parse(date2);

        return Math.abs((int) (begin.toEpochDay() - end.toEpochDay()));