mac os 文件名后面的@

发布时间 2023-07-02 13:29:05作者: 马肯尼煤牙巴骨

昨天在mcs上拉下一个我的git 库
在设置git hook时遇到一个问题,

hbb@huangbinbindeMacBook-Air hooks % ll
total 128
-rwxr-xr-x  1 hbb  staff   478  6 18 13:34 applypatch-msg.sample
-rwxr-xr-x  1 hbb  staff   896  6 18 13:34 commit-msg.sample
-rwxr-xr-x  1 hbb  staff  4655  6 18 13:34 fsmonitor-watchman.sample
-rwxr-xr-x  1 hbb  staff   189  6 18 13:34 post-update.sample
-rwxr-xr-x  1 hbb  staff   424  6 18 13:34 pre-applypatch.sample
-rwxr-xr-x  1 hbb  staff  1643  6 18 13:34 pre-commit.sample
-rwxr-xr-x  1 hbb  staff   416  6 18 13:34 pre-merge-commit.sample
-rwxr-xr-x  1 hbb  staff  1374  6 18 13:34 pre-push.sample
-rwxr-xr-x  1 hbb  staff  4898  6 18 13:34 pre-rebase.sample
-rwxr-xr-x  1 hbb  staff   544  6 18 13:34 pre-receive.sample
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 hbb  staff  1676  7  1 20:38 prepare-commit-msg
-rwxr-xr-x  1 hbb  staff  1492  6 18 13:34 prepare-commit-msg.sample
-rwxr-xr-x  1 hbb  staff  2783  6 18 13:34 push-to-checkout.sample
-rwxr-xr-x  1 hbb  staff  3650  6 18 13:34 update.sample
hbb@huangbinbindeMacBook-Air hooks % open .
hbb@huangbinbindeMacBook-Air hooks % git commit-msg.sample 
git: 'commit-msg.sample' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
hbb@huangbinbindeMacBook-Air hooks % cd ..
hbb@huangbinbindeMacBook-Air .git % cd ..
hbb@huangbinbindeMacBook-Air prism % git commit
hint: The '.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable.
hint: You can disable this warning with `git config advice.ignoredHook false`.

但仍然提示hint: The '.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable.
查了一下资料,表示文件有其他元数据,应该是因为如此,导致git hook脚本执行失败了

xattr -l pre-commit
ls -l@ pre-commit

xattr -d pre-commit

应该是从远程桌面连接到widnows复制过来的文件被mac os标记为隔离了,用xattr -d 元数据 文件 删除这个标记就好了